martes, septiembre 13, 2005

nola and "the second tsunami"

click on the title above for a link to a great article by Naomi Klein. (via Boing Boing)

if, after all the outpouring of love and support by the common people, these disasters are just used by the wealthy and powerful to strengthen their own interests..... it is many times more than doubly horrible. the natural disasters will have not only destroyed something already there, it will have created an opportunity for the (already) wealthy to scam these people out of the little they had... rabid and voracious, anyone?

can't we make People Power add up to more than Special Interest Power?
(oh well, spoken like a true kid of the 60's: born in a commune and raised around "activists." only problem: now I am mortally allergic to politics.)


let me know what you think.....

on a lighter note:


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