martes, noviembre 01, 2005

never say never - really!

I know most religious traditions put an emphasis on what you say, how you say it, etc, but in these "modern times," it seems like that has gone out of vogue.

but then things happen, and it really does kind of make you (me) wonder.

I have caught myself a few times over the last years, saying "I'll never do this..." or "I'm not interested in that...", and as times goes by and I get to reflect, I've started to notice that whenever I strongly say I will not do something, I wind up doing exactly that shortly thereafter.

for example, I used to substitute teach and when teachers would ask me if I was getting certified, I'd say "oh, NO. this is just a great temporary job for me, for right now. I'm NOT INTERESTED in becoming a teacher." Hmmm..... guess what I do now. etc.

but I'm learning. I've been looking for a roommate for about 3 months, and everyone good seemed to have a cat. well, I have a cat, and I kept telling myself, "two cats is too many. I cannot live with two cats!" well, a stray cat showed up and he was really cute and I started thinking "maybe Maria would like a buddy..., but then NO ONE will want to move in here with two cats!" just then, I noticed that I had been thinking in terms of never and so forth, so I quickly brought the little stray in, to see if my luck would change. sure enough, one short week later, Liliana showed up at my door to check out the apartment. I said to her, "do you know I have a cat?" she said "great!" I said, "I'm even taking care of a second cat... and it might stay....." She said................



"great! I love cats!" then she spent most of our interview petting the cats. then when she left, she said "I really like this place and I want to move in"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow. ain't that something?


Happy Bra Day......... Chuck!


double oops.


1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Bra day is weak.
We need a Braless day.
I would declare it a global holiday to be celebtrated by all.