miércoles, enero 04, 2006

california is for YOGA, suckerz!

ooops, I just got called out cause I haven't given any details about my trip to cali.... I guess cause I kinda figured yoga is one of those "you had to be there"-type experiences.

but, on the social side, I did have a great time seeing some old friends from my last trip out there and meeting a whole bunch of new people... (including I saw Santa at the beach, I'll have to post that photo later) I also ate at 3 great restaurants (BRITEW, I wished you were there with me at the Indian place!) and I was able to reach two overseas buddies on my cell!! plus I celebrated Christmas eve out there with some great yoga folks!

AND then the capper was when I came back, after all that yoga, I was taller than my brother again!! he'll verify that this is true! YOGA, people!

ps - if you're not tired out of the whole xmas thing quite yet, I suggest you scoot over to anonymous coworker's site to put the capper on your holiday! harhar!!!!!


8 comentarios:

cookie monster dijo...

i like strawberry yogurt meself...

Anónimo dijo...

So, did you get any?


(I am under your power)

the lorider dijo...

yeah, I did!

...get an old dude's phone number.

oy. is it my perfume or something?

Anónimo dijo...

You were at a Yoga cult, i mean retreat, in California and you couldnt get some young yoga stud to re-enrgize your lotus chakra?

the lorider dijo...

actually, I did meet a couple of cute yoga-dude musicians at two different events (OMFG anon, I forgot to tell you about the MONSTER music jam some dudes did at this holiday kirtan/meditation thing!!!!), but when they found out I was going back to Detroit in like one day, they backed off...

cookie monster dijo...

ive told you before, u dont need them, u can have the cookie monster!

Anónimo dijo...

"re-enrgize your lotus chakra?"
My own words made me LOL!

These yoga dudes have no game!
When a girl tells you that she is on vacation and is leaving for home soon - thats when you get in there and try to sneak one past the goalie!

the lorider dijo...

cookie: awwwwwwwww!!!!!!

anon: hahahahaha! that's what I thought, too! "what's wrong with these dudes?"

ps your lotus comment made me laugh more the 2nd time I read it, too :) 11 11!