viernes, agosto 11, 2006

so busy - no time to blog - here's some pix

5 comentarios:

Feisty Frida dijo...

AAAGGGHHH, this picture made me laugh out loud...."Don't hassle the Hoff"

Thanks for the laugh.

cookie monster dijo...

no no no no no no!

a naked hasselhoff? wtf is wrong with you? thats going to give me nightmares!!!

Feisty Frida dijo...

Ya me too. Funny, I remember this picture from the was on the cover of some magazine, or something like that. I was just a little kid, but it burned a nasty nasty imagine in my memory bank, that was dormant until I pulled up your blog yesterday....aaaggghhh!


the lorider dijo...

sorry you guys.... the devil made me do it! xP

Feisty Frida dijo...

he was gone yesterday, and now he's back! toying with my emotions...!