miércoles, agosto 22, 2007

Go Tigers!!!

Yay! I went to the game last night with K-Beck and we .... won!!!!! How fantastic, I can't remember the last time I was at a winning game. :D it must have been my lucky tigers-colored manicure that did it -- I'll "be sure" to post a picture of it "real soon".

in other news: Happy Birthday to K-Beck, and thanks again for the best reverse birthday present I ever got! sorry that I won't be able to join you tonight for your b-day bar-hop....

folks, sit tight for more news from tha lorida, I'm heading out of town for a few days to go camping (listening all the way to my new-2-me Ipod!!!!!!!!!!!), but I'll give yous lots of more news when I get back - and of course, "lots" "more" "pix"!

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Where you goin camping brah?

Anónimo dijo...

Hmm... I suppose I should be honored to have a Genuine Lorider Nickname(tm) but I'm not sure how I feel about the association with k-fed. Does that make you Brittany Spears? Are you gonna shave your head?

Have fun camping. I'll be jealous as I sit in class. =/

Anónimo dijo...

Hello !!

So glad you are back on the net ! Have fun camping ! I am going to Traverse City for the week-end ! Hope to see you soon !

I'll think about you when I sample the wines !! Yeeeess !

Anónimo dijo...

go get your toes dirty! call me when you get back and we'll rock bastone or wab or inn season or something....



Anónimo dijo...

p.s. glad to see than leonard is okay - i've been neglecting him terribly...hehehehe

Anónimo dijo...

Wait a minute. Did you say camping? Lorider is going camping? By "camping" to you mean a normal hotel room without room service, instead of a suite / massage / spa package?