martes, febrero 12, 2008

I'll try to stop at 6

I've been tagged by tha super bongo, one of my favorite non-homo-sapien bloggers, to announce to the world 6 quirky things about la lorider. as you may have already guessed, gentle reader, la lorider is just chock-full of quirks. so here goes.....

# 1 quirky thing: I have a scary appetite. I'm not a super-big person, but I can put away some serious food. (lols remember the 7 plates at the Chinese Buffet, BRITEW?) no-one suspects it at first, actually everyone seems to think I'm a nibbling vegetarian (see previous KSA entry). so what a shock it is when people see me nosh! also I get very cranky if I have to skip a meal.

# 2 quirky thing: also I get very cranky if I don't get enough sleep. so basically I have the temperament of a 3-year-old.

# 3 quirky thing: I like to wear camos and Marine Corps t-shirts to yoga class. it kind of freaks ppl out, lols.

# 4 quirky thing: I'm addicted to reading. so be aware that if I'm standing at your desk, I'm reading everything upside-down just as fast as I can. it's not that I'm nosy, I just have to read any and every printed word. I actually found myself reading ESPN magazine the other day!

# 5 quirky thing: I have strangely acute hearing. for example, I can actually hear bats echolocate. it's not great though - I had to ask my downstairs neighbor to take her ceiling fan off the low setting, which was embarrasing. I felt like a stalker...

# 6 quirky thing: everywhere I look, I see... no, not dead people, but like twins. like your double from across the seas? I keep meeting people from far apart who seem so very similar, it's weird. they look similar, talk the same and give out the same 'vibe.' I have two very close friends who could sorta be twins, but they're from opposite sides of the world (and neither one is the 'evil' one). do you believe in this?

anyway, thanks for tagging me, super-bongo! that was super-fun :)

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

You can hear bats chocolate? huh?

The Super Bongo dijo...

I've noticed that both my hearing and smell have been more acute lately . . . perhaps I'm turning into a bat? bat monkey? scary.

the lorider dijo...

anon: you're a freak

super-b: maybe you're pregnant?