viernes, abril 25, 2008

Master's baby, yeah!

that's right folks, tha lorider's got somemore letters after her name, yo!!! I just dropped off my bound copy of my thesis and it is OVER! I wish I could say I'll never darken the door of an educational institution again, but I fear it's not true :P anyway, in the true academic tradition, I believe I'll go get driz-nunk!

in other news:
I went last Sunday to the Cranbrook Art Museum. It happened to be their graduate students' final show. it was really awesome and fun; I think something for everyone. if you're in the area, check it out!

Tigers yeah! Now I'm free to start going to games. I think I'm going to go to a ridiculous amount this summer - and we just got a set of tickets donated for the entire fourth and fifth grades in my school, so I'm even planning to go to Tigers games WHILE I'M GETTING PAID AT WORK! haHA!

I'm applying for jobs in NY, so pls send out some awesome vibes for me :)

also I have an uncle and grandma home from the hospital & recuperating, so pls send them some awesome vibes, too!

folks, I don't even know what else is going on - probably something....

stay real and drop me a line :)


1 comentario:

The Super Bongo dijo...

congrats on the master's!

and, I'm very popular in germany . . . does that count?