viernes, junio 30, 2006

(3 out of) 4 day weekend coming up! ?!

yes, that's right, la pauvre lorider has to work on the monday before independence day, isn't that silly? how am I supposed to feel patriotic when I have work distracting me in the middle!!!!! shoot, I was planning on watching the following movies to get me in the mood... now I'll probably have to watch them twice!

1. Independence Day
Born on the Fourth of July
3. Independence
Magoo's Glorious Fourth
5. and the ever american Superman in
Superman Returns

then I'll go watch my little bros set off fireworks.......
boom, BOOm, BOOM!!!!!!!


happy birthday, Dad!

5 comentarios:

cookie monster dijo...

you lot have a public holiday to celebrate a film???

Feisty Frida dijo...

Yes, Cookie, when Lord of the Rings came out, we had a whole week off!!!

snicker ;)

Feisty Frida dijo...

I'm looking forward to Superman Returns, here in Vancouver they're showing it at the IMAX 3-D...I'm going to try and catch it there. Have fun!!!


the lorider dijo...

lols Frida, you crack me up.

that's a good idea about the Imax. brainon, want to see super-dude in 3-D??

Anónimo dijo...

We saw Superman in Imax 3-D. I fell asleep, so i'm not sure if it was good or not. BRITW can probably comment. I do remember thinking that the 3-D portions were pretty weak.