viernes, junio 16, 2006

oh noes!!

I just found out that our downstairs neighbors got campus housing (mrs. downstairs neighbor teaches at a ritzy private school near us) and they'll be moving out this summer! this is excellent news for them, but now the new-neighbor lottery is on! I hope we get 1st prize!!!

it's important to me, because we'll share a lot of things, like the basement, the washer/dryer, the water bill, and a floor/ceiling. these guys have been aces, so I'll be really sorry to see them go. hopefully, they'll invite me to their new house to eat cookies alot. in honor of my wonderful neighbors, here's a pic of the littlest neighbor when we went to the zoo last month:

cute! as you can see, today is photo-posting day, so be sure to visit tha bloggie photo album. laterz!

4 comentarios:

the lorider dijo...

hey, brainon, why don't you guys bust a move?

Anónimo dijo...

Whats the rent on the downstairs?

the lorider dijo...

I'll find out and report back, capitan!

Anónimo dijo...

eye eye matey.