lunes, noviembre 14, 2005

In the green corner... BRITEW

Liliana is coming tonight to make a deposit on the room!!!!! it looks like the Epic Roommate Search of 2005 is finally over!!!!!! *cross fingers* and.......yee-haw!

now I can finally begin to bring closure to one of my most emotionally traumatic experiences of 2005 (after being terrorized by a somewhat largish and fluffy cat) .... that is, the loss of BRITEW. (aka the Best Roommate In The Entire World)

what can I say about BRITEW? she is a gorgeous red-head with a heart of gold.....

at first, I didn't know her as BRITEW, and I wasn't even certain of her continued Roommate Status. Haha, ex-roomie, remember the time we had a Halloween party and you got sooooooooo drunk?! it was only like a month after you moved in, and I seriously wondered if I should be worried about you..... but then it turned out that you weren't a total boozer!!! yay!!! (no more captain morgans for you!) shhh, that's a secret!

in time, I learned that BRITEW was indeed the perfect roomie for me. thoughtful, smart, funny and sweet. a yoga soul with a wicked mind (and I mean wicked). actually, I found out that she's a BestFriendEverITEW, too!

and then.......... in an episode that shall go down in history for its infamy and injustice, her evil and ugly boyfriend, the evil and ugly Bed-Head, found out what a great roommie she is, too, and swiped her from me!!! dammit, I forgot to call dibs!!! oh well, I suppose this might have been important to them.....


yeah, I ate at fressen Saturday.... you wish you were me.......


8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Yes i stole your roomate.
If I wanted to take your cats, i could probably do that too. I'm better than you. Please get over it. Hopefully the Romanian engineer will help ease the pain. Then again, i may decide that i like her too and keep her in my apartment as well. We'll see.

Mr. Big Stuff

the lorider dijo...



BRITEW, pinch him for me tonight... when he's sleeping!!

cookie monster dijo...

well can i move in now then?

the lorider dijo...

haha cookie you are droll

you little flirt, you'd better watch it - I have two fierce (?)kitties protecting my honor!!!

Anónimo dijo...

though i'm sure liliana is absolutely wonderful - she will not be coming to live with us. sorry to burst your fiercely male bubble sweetums.

however - we can have two cats and a little dog.

we'll discuss tonight.

and be prepared for me to pinch you in your sleep.

lorider - please do not reveal my superwoman weakness to everyone - aka captain morgans. heeheehee

Anónimo dijo...


i miss you too!

and i'll blog about how lovely you are when i've got a blog.

and thanks for calling me a redhead! :P

Anónimo dijo...

Oh yeah and BTW, Fressen seems like it would be a much better place if they served some cheese and eggs and maybe some salmon steaks. Mention that to the cooks that your jockin next time.

cookie monster dijo...

ha! ill get my 2 to defend me!