viernes, diciembre 23, 2005



rough guide to detroit

ok well here goes in my mission to display just how little i know about the Yoo Ess Aye. for now im going to tell you all what i know about the loriders hometown of detroit.

fact #1. its where Eminem is from. now i like rap music but i prefer 2pac, NWA and all that style rather than eminem and the newer rappers. having said that he has done a lot for rap music and he has definatly a lot of talent. its just i think he has only got so far coz of the colour of his skin but then agin he has opend the door for other rappers AND turned a lot fo other people onto rap music that maybe wouldnt have listend to it before!

fact #2. its where Robocop was filmed! i love robocop, i love the utter violence and the nihilistic atmosphere of the film. i love the way its a satire on modern life, but for all that its just a bloody good action film, with one of the most fantastic villains of all time.

fact #3. ummmmm. thats it, i cant think of another fact! i might just try n hunt some porno down to post on here! what do u lot think? shall i leave that as a xmas pressie?

oh and if i dont get a chance to say it on here before the day, Merry christmas to one and all from the cookie monster!

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...


I thought only americans were totally ignorant.... ;)