lunes, diciembre 05, 2005

I am the greatest chef in the world.....Chuck!

I have finally realized what I was in my last life.... no, not a mongol princess or Leonardo da Vinci, I was: an army chef.

or at least I surmise..... because whenever I cook, I make a humongous production out of it and produce enough food to feed... well, an army. I recently had a taste for pastel de choclo, which I've mentioned previously in this post (aside: mr big stuff, you are supposed to know so much about music and you couldn't even guess my fav song....? and the title is in the URL....!?!) so I decided to finally cook some. the reason I haven't made it in the eight years since I've lived in Chile is that it is a complicated dish that takes a lot of steps to make. well, I finally decided if I had to go through that much trouble, I might as well make a lot..... then I could freeze it and eat it all winter. it's both delicious cold-weather fare and it's easily frozen and re-heated, like most cassaroles.

cooling the hard boiled eggs - these are sliced and put with olives in the chicken layer. yes, it takes me two cookbooks to make one dish... so I couldn't remember how to boil what!!!!

cooking the meat (I could only fit half in the skillet at a time) and the chicken is slowly cooking at the back.... and I'm taking pix to blog about later! I am the greatest! don't try this at home.... Chuck!

huge bowl of meat... and this is just the bottom layer!

Maria carefully monitors my progress.

I had lots of chicken juice and bones left to make a big pot of chicken soup! all I had to do was throw in the veggies and then add water! that thriftyness appeals to the army chef in me, not to mention my scottish DNA.

argghhhhh! I can't find the pic of them all cooking in the oven!!! suffice it to say, there were 13 2-portion size to go in the freezer and 1 big one to eat this week! I'll update the post later with the 'ta-dahhhh!' pic - for now, I'll post a previously promised pic: the lovely Japanese prints from Susan & Paul... up on the wall!! now my apartment looks and smells great!

I've also updated the kitty-cat diaries and I'm getting to work on my bloggie photo album next!

grab your applebottoms and celebrate
blue jeans!


7 comentarios:

cookie monster dijo...

mmmm, tony hungry, very hungry indeed

Anónimo dijo...

What the hell is pastel de choclo anyways? Judging from your pictorial it is apparently something with a bunch of ground meat, chicken, eggs, and cat.

BTW I quit guessing your favorite song because i'm sure that it sucks : )

the lorider dijo...

and corn!

Anónimo dijo...

What is your favorite song?
The title better have something to do with rocket launchers, missles, or bombs.

the lorider dijo...

OMFG!!!! do we have to go over this again!!!!!!

step 1: role your mouse over the picture

step 2: (this is important): READ the url.

now you know the name of the song!!

Anónimo dijo...

What is the name of your favorite song?

Anónimo dijo...

Are you going to tell me the name of your favorite song?