martes, diciembre 06, 2005

a teenager by any other name....

I was talking to a friend over the weekend and she was trying to decide what to give her nephew for christmas. he is fourteen or fifteen, but he has developmental problems, so he's not really so much of a "teenager." last year, his team decided it was time to mainstream him and they put him in regular ed math and band - and of course, we wonder if he's going to be able to forge any friendships with the other kids - at best.

at first she thought about movie passes, but then decided he'd probably take the easy way out and take one of his parents. (I thought it was a super idea and said to give him passes next time and just tell his parents beforehand that they have to press him to find someone to take. I think he must have someone, whether from reg ed or special ed classes or from their church.) but anyway, she was already on to her next idea: to give him some popular music. I thought this was terrific - who is cooler than a kid who appreciates cool music? especially to band kids. I thought that would go a long way to give him some status.

anyway, I just thought it was kind of funny (but not haha funny) that, instead of the teenager rebelling and going all-out for their peer group, in this case, the family themselves have to push him to become a "teenager."

I can't wait to see King Kong! WHOA!!! it's 3 hours long!?!!! never mind, I'll see it on video, when I can watch it in stages. there's very little that can hold my attention for 3 hours.


1 comentario:

acw dijo...

Cool! Though I would have loved to have movie passes...