miércoles, febrero 15, 2006

I really AM going to hell!

oh god, okay! I mean, I know this is not technically a post, but can I just tell you how much f-ing plasticware I am using?!?

I used to be, like, environmentally aware..... and NOW, I'm starting to ENJOY and PREFER using: plastic spoons and sometimes forks, too, paper cups for coffee and tea, individual servings of pudding and 'fruit cup,' which is probably plastic too!

I just like it better now......

evil has me in her smooth, plastic grasp


2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Nothing like some Folgers in a styrofoam cup and a little KFC served up on a waxed paper plate with the finest petrolium based plasticware.
Fruit pickled in high fructose corn syrup and sodium benzonate for desert...mmmmmmm.

You are obviously a woman of extremely refined taste.

>; )

the lorider dijo...

oh! is that the menu for the meal you always promised to lovingly craft for me ??

can't wait ;) cu soon!