viernes, febrero 10, 2006

more about high school

apropos my recent dream post, a tidbit from my high school days:

a yearbook signature from my 10th grade math teacher referred to me as "the human lunch box."

so! what were YOU called in high school?

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Best signature in my book -
My Art teacher in 10th and 11th grade found his picture and drew a body onto it with an arm outstretched and his hand giving the "thumbs down" - he then drew a baloon from his mouth with the words "Please, no Art III".
LOL - awesome

Anónimo dijo...

I am quite dissapointed in the lack of posting this weekend.

Blogging is not a M - F 40 hour a week's a way of life.
Use my relentless commenting as an example.

the lorider dijo...

dear Anon - once I get my Free, City-Provided wireless service, you'll be pleased to hear from me more frequently!

(sorry to hear your teacher didn't recognize your budding art genius... I guess kabuki wasn't recognized as a deeply relevent american art form yet)

cookie monster dijo...

whats a yearbook?

the lorider dijo...

at the end of each year, each high school publishes a book with pictures from the year, like a page for each club or sport showing the kids involved, photos from the school play and other activites, etc, and then there's another section where every student's picture is published, with some information written like what sports or clubs they were in, maybe their GPA (in some schools?) and you get to pick a quote that represents you.

they're handed out at the end of the year and you go to all your friends and favorite teachers and have them sign their picture or the inside cover with a message.

gosh, you brits are deprived. (& of course, depraved. that goes without saying)

The Fatalist dijo...

Depraved being the word...what they'd have written about Cookie I guess would keep shrinks in employment anaalysing them for a good few years, and I never even knew him when he was at school!