sábado, agosto 18, 2007


wells, I guess that explains what I did last night :D

apologies, apologies to my many screaming fans who have missed me... I'm happy to say that I'll finally be getting an interneck connection at home so you alls can get semi-regular updates on la lorider's la fabulous life......

the latest, in no particular order: I have a new (old) car - thanks, Gram! I'm currently enjoying my summer vacay, soon to return to (shudder) ... teach! I'm using my vacay time to write my masters thesis. I've re-entered the dating world, to the delight of every red-blooded, unattached male in SE Michigan! and the wonderfulest of all, I got a fabulous new roomie, who is an artiste such as myself, only talented. I think that her code name for my wonderful digital memoirs will be........ Becky. cause her name's Becky. gettit?

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

must. stop. reading.

You're a very entertaining (and prolific) writer. I can't believe how much time I've just wasted... er... spent reading and I'm barely into 2006. Normally this wouldn't be much of an issue because I really don't have anything else to do (don't bring up my leaking roof, if I close the door I can barely hear it drip) but it seems like a foolish waste of an evening to sit and read about you when I probably just could've called you and talked to you live and in person. I admit that I did have your cute myspacesque picture open in the corner peaking around my browser while I read but, alas, it's still not the same. =/

Anyway, I suspect I'll not do any work tomorrow and I blame you. I really only work on the "t" days. Monday is too soon after the weekend. Tuesday is a good day to do a few things (unless I went to the bar on Monday which, in this case, I did not). Wednesday... eh... it's just a bleak day, too far from the future weekend and yet the memory of the past weekend has already faded. Wednesdays are a day of extra coffee and meetings and great debates about where to go for lunch. Thursday is the rally day where you really need to knock out your work for the week because you know perfectly well that nothing will be accomplished on a Friday. So there it is. I normally write off about 3/5ths of my week anyway and now reading this blog tomorrow will pretty much kill another 1/5th. I'm really gonna need to rally on Thursday.

Also, on a more serious note, it looks like we are gonna get rained out tomorrow. =/

Anónimo dijo...

Welcome back the lorider !! Can't wait to read more ! ;)

the lorider dijo...

m: hi there, I've missed you too!!!

red-BUM: COUGH*stalker!*COUGH

Anónimo dijo...

Like a gift for all mankind from the sweet lord himself, Anonymous is also back, and in FULL EFFECT SUCKAS!

Concerning new roomate: PIX PLZ K THNX BYE!

Anónimo dijo...

y'know I freely confessed my
early stalking attempts
, like, the second time we went out... I'm just sayin... it's not like I didn't warn ya...

the lorider dijo...

aw, shucks, you guys... *blush*

oh, yeah... and anonymous: YOU SUCK!