lunes, agosto 08, 2005

Happy Birthday to my blog

greetings and welcome!


join me in celebrating the inauguration of my blog! it's my hope that this blog will give hours of pleasure to you and me. make yourself at home and come back anytime. your comments are always welcome. I hope I'll quickly iron out any kinks for your browsing pleasure.

I decided to start this blog on August 8 because it's one of my favorite days of the year. it's like a personal holiday, I guess. one year, I had a really great day on August 8. since then, not so much, but I still like it. something about all those 8s.


that reminds me of when I used to be a sub - every kid I ever subbed for knows that 8 is my favorite number (just ask them). it started one boring day with a math lesson. I (like every other elementary sub in the world) would try almost anything to keep the kids focused. when I suddenly gave a kid a sticker for no apparent reason, you could hear the heads whip around.

"why'd you give her a sticker?"

I gave one of those mysterious expressions that teachers give when they have nothing interesting to say.

a bit more attention was given to the upcoming problem. no sticker... no sticker again... the tension.... then - BLAMMO - I dropped a sticker on another kid who answered 8! they started catching on... rapid calculations were made and hand-eye coordination perfected as kids strived to be the first to raise their hands for the problems whose answers were "8" (but not the other ones - ha!) oh, the power of being a teacher!!!.... that was one of the most fun periods that whole week.

it's kind of weird, actually. I've seen kids up to the age of eleven go to great lengths to get a ... sticker. I have seen joy and tears, all over a single piece of candy. just be forewarned, parents, this is what your kids do in school all day.

*Happy Refrigerator Day
mood: I'm hungry. I thought I would feel a bit more special on the first day of my blog, but... I'm just hungry. (yes, hunger is a mood for me. if you're going to visit my blog, get used to it.)

mood update: Now I've had a snack and I'm looking at my first-evar post and I'm happy, happy to see my little blog. I know it will go through many changes, but I can always remember this day, with one post and my little green template. Happy Birthday, blog.

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