viernes, febrero 17, 2006

snowboard cross

who else saw the snowboard cross on the olympics yesterday? wasn't that crazy? seriously, who thought of that crazy shit?

I wish they would have spent some more time explaining the sport and introducing the athletes - they did that, but it was very quick. it was like they knew they had to show it, cause snowboarding is "in," but couldn't be bothered to give that bit more time to properly introduce us to it.

maybe I should invent a new sport! like cheese-sandwich-making or something! while on a snowboard! rad!

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

LOL - cheese sandwich making snowboard cross.
Thats a sport i could love. : )

Anónimo dijo...

BTW - i'm feeling you on the weak coverage of athletes, and setup of the event for certain sports.

I was pumped that they added Mountain Biking events to the
Summer games, but thought that the coverage was bordering on disrespect to the riders.