martes, junio 06, 2006

IKEA is coming, IKEA is coming!!!!!

oh. my. god. people are losing their minds in Southeast Michigan - IKEA is opening tomorrow in Canton and people have been camping out in their parking lot since yesterday! apparently, they'll give away an $80 chair (unassembled, mind) to the first 100 people.

I mean, I was kinda excited when I first heard that IKEA was coming. I do love tha meatballs and tha lingonberry! and I used to go to IKEA with my Dad, so I got a warm fuzzy feeling remembering... plus, goodness knows, they have great furniture and it's better priced than any other store.

but excuse me. to get that excited about the opening of a store - in the USA. where we already have access to absolutely anything we could possibly need at any time of the day or night...? and then dedicate 48 hours of your life to it? (ps - I don't care what kind of job you have, I'll bet you can earn $80 within 48 hours....)

so whatever, anyway. live and let live, right? I guess I'm cool with people being excited over a chain store, even if I think it's stupid. it's a free country and I'm glad about that.....

but then. I was listening to the radio this morning and the station sent somebody over to talk to these people. they woke up the lady who's first in line, and she tried to get flip with the radio guy and she's all, "hey, you know, you're laughing but we're all out here together and it's wonderful and it's like Woodstock." WOODSTOCK!!!!

I know that everyone was not raised around hippies and Leninists and Trotskyists and Gray Panthers, like me. but wtf?! how in the hell can someone think that buying furniture from a multinational corporation is anything like Woodstock? I wanted to cry. people have no f***ing clue anymore. 6-6-06 indeed.

1 comentario:

Voroshilov dijo...

People fought in north London when a new Ikea opened.

I didn't quite weep, but I rolled my eyes so much they got a bit sore.