jueves, noviembre 17, 2005


alright folks-es, you have waited patiently and your patience shall now be rewarded......

presenting.......... (drumroll)

my date last night with George an unnamed fellow to protect his privacy

predate: (skip this if you only care about the date! I won't blame you)
first, I read up on Bulgaria on wikipedia.org so I wouldn't seem like a total American ignoramus (did you know that Bulgaria has 28 regions, including Plovdiv, Smolyan and..... Montana ?). on my way out the door from work, I stopped to pass the time with Colleen, our cleaning lady. I told her I was headed on this date and she said she recently joined this same internet service. she is of a slightly older generation than me and was a little concerned about the whole digital thing. I told her I'd let her know what happened: "don't worry Colleen, it didn't hurt a bit!" (wink, nudge-geddit? har)

I went home and changed and gussied up a bit, then jetted over to Sweetwaters Cafe to meet him. as I was late, luckily, so was he! (don't worry, Chuck, he called to explain and apologize) I filled the time by flirting with the guy at the next table and one of the baristas- just practicing, you know!

the actual date:

George the unnamed fellow showed up and he was way cuter than his photo, and also, a lot more lively! I took this as a good sign! we trotted off to a Japanese restaurant called Tokyo Sushi that I have mentioned before in these, my memoirs... (cue cheesy violin music.... -and cut)

macho move #1: (explanatory disclaimer: before all you retroantinouveaupostapocalyptic feminists or antifeminists reach for the comments button: I like a certain amount of macho in a guy, and no matter how much you beg me to, I will not apologize about it. so shut it.)

as we stepped off the curb, (5 min into our date) he put his hand at the small of my back (because he wants to grab me!!! yeah!!!) (this was repeated several times, so I'll just say that now)

macho move #2: as we sat down in the restaurant, he noticed that I was shivering and turned to the waitress bringing the menus and said "I think I will presume... please bring us two hot teas." how sweet!

it turned out we have several things in common, like being huge fans of hot tea, like being educated and interested in the world, like being able to discuss politics and economics (shout out to my family - thanks!), and like I used to be a gymnast and his dad was one of those kick-ass soviet block gymnasts who later became a coach. we ate fried octopus, salmon teriyaki and don katsu (fried pork-chop) and talked a lot of cock about ourselves..... (cue romantic music....)

macho move #3: he paid for dinner (but we split dessert..... he said that the first one was free, but now, the meter's running hahahaha)

macho move #4: he fed my parking meter

next, we went for cannoli and after-dinner ports at andiamo osteria.

macho move #5: he selected the port

there was live music on, but we didn't really notice... too busy gazing into each others' eyes. or at least he attempted to do some eye-gazing, but I gazed shyly at my hands, folded demurely in the prayer position..... (hahahahaha! this is good! I should write some fiction!)

I will leave the evening there, you may imagine the rest.....

overall date score: (out of 10)



macho moves- 9.9

Happy Coping With Uncertainty Day!


4 comentarios:

cookie monster dijo...

dammit, im jealous!

the lorider dijo...

cookie dear, you can always be my blog bf ;)

Alex dijo...

Way to go! Seem like you have a great start. First impression counts a lot :)

Waiting for more good news from you. hehe.

In Adelaide right now, but will be going to Singapore in less than a month's time. Leaving with a heavy heart.

I'm tagging your blog. Is it ok with you?

the lorider dijo...

of course it okay, chungchung-thanks mucho for the shout-out!

finish your exams with style, and have a safe trip home ;)