miércoles, enero 18, 2006

cowboy story part deux

oh crap, I just looked at my stats and the numbers are way up - you must all be looking for the end of the story! here you go:

over the low croaking of the frogs, they heard billy's phone ringing back at the house. he excused himself and willy crouched down by the water, listening to the frogs and thinking long thoughts. about 5 min later, billy came back and said that it was the new tenants over at his folk's place calling, they'd come across a set of antique glass bottles in the back of the barn.

"I told em that was your collection, will," said billy. "member you kept em there to hide em from lattie? I never thought they were that old, though."

"shit," said willy. "I don't want em anymore."

"they said they're worth about 300 bucks. they wanta put em in their kitchen. they'll pay you for em."

"pretty straight of em." (ironic use of the word straight)

so that's how willy got the money to put in a frog pond up at his new place. his nephews loved getting muddy in it, which lattie hated and so willy had a new reason to enjoy the pond and, you know? willy and billy realized that they had a few fond old memories in common and they took to grabbing a beer together at JJ's bar when willy came to town.

after all, new friends are silver but old are gold.

the end

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