miércoles, enero 11, 2006

damn progress!!

crap! I just found out my favorite restaurant in new york is some shitty cigar-friendly steakhouse now!!


that used to be my city-haven when I went to college in the berkshires - I'd take the train into grand central, walk all around manhattan, and then eat a good italian dinner and go back to nowheres-ville.

I kinda thought that each time I go back to nyc, I could count on a good meal there.....

this blows.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Everything is being converted into a steakhouse with cigars.

Further proof that the world revolves around a mans needs.

: )

the lorider dijo...

I heard they converted a chuckie cheese into a steakhouse with cigars.

oh, the humanity

Anónimo dijo...

Kids needs steak and smokes just like everyone else!