miércoles, enero 11, 2006

two things about Chuck....

ooops! it's wednesday! time for wednesday with Lord Chesterfield!!!

Frequent and loud laughter is the characteristic of folly and ill manners.
Lord Chesterfield

If you are not in fashion, you are nobody.
Lord Chesterfield

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Lord Chesterfield is a tool.

Isnt this the guy who earlier in your blogging career said that sex was a waste of time?

the lorider dijo...

no, I believe he said that Chuck V. is a waste of time.

Anónimo dijo...

"Frequent and loud laughter is the characteristic of folly and ill manners"

i must be the most follyful and ill mannered person in all of the civilized world. no, in all of the universe. I laugh LOUDLY. as you well know lorider. and you mr. anonymous.

*shrug* what's wrong with having a little folly in your life?

i bite my thumb at you lord chesterfield!.!

the lorider dijo...

i really loled when you bited your thumb. haha

laugh on, BRITEW... illigitimi non carborundum!