viernes, diciembre 02, 2005

lan cheow cheebye !

I can't post my photos and I was planning to put up so many nice ones while my supervisor is out today!!!!!!! KNNBCCB!!!!

so now this post will be about the title of the post. okay singapore bloggers, I lurve you, you even started my beautiful dream that is now the reality of 1209 anarchists, but really..... you have me cussing like a dirty soljer times a sailor.

to all you americans and others, definitely do not go to and find out what I cussed up above - it is terrible!!!! I don't think a girl should even say that!!!!!

but the flowing singlish prose continually draws me back to the nefarious blogs, even as they pollute my pure mind.

okay, they don't all pollute. mr brown wrote a great column, not only in singlish, but also about singlish that is very enlightening and entertaining and it is safe to put in the newspaper, so go read it. or WhiteOut recently gave a run-down of some singlish features. but, if you want to read someone who really 'has his way' shall we say with singlish, go to ---WAIT!!!!!!! NO!!! DON'T go there!!!!!!!! that is the polluter!!!!!!! stay away and be good girls and boys. I don't want to be reading about any naughty friday or saturday hijinks when I tune in on mon!!! (harhar... yes, I do!)

(I really do!)

Hey, How About Just Happy FRIDAY! Yeah!


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