jueves, diciembre 08, 2005

sammich !!!

(NOTE: this post is inspired by acw's post on cannog: just go read it - and scrooooooooolllll waaaaaayyyyyy doooooown)

last night, I got home after 8, but I had to go back out to run to the grocery store - I have a houseguest coming tomorrow, and I thought it would be a nice touch if I fed her.

so I ran out to the trusty 24-hour Farmer Jack. wouldn't you know, the deli counter is open there after 9 pm!!! I figured sandwich fixings was a safe choice for a houseguest (what are the kids eating these days? I got pop tarts to be on the safe side) and suddenly I had such a taste for a delicious sandwich!!

so I went kind of crazy and got about 2 and 1/2 pounds of assorted things. this is actually a family trait, the love of sandwiches, so I've learned not to fight it.

I remember visiting my Uncle Mark at his home one time, and he lays out this elaborate spread of rolled meats, breads, spreads, salads, etc, saying "this is such a nice excuse to make a really nice sandwich!!" at which point, his wife rolled her eyes and said, "Mark, you eat a sandwich every day for lunch, and you always make a production out of it!"

or there's my dad (Hi dad!). I always remember him cutting and arranging everything so that it fits nicely on the bread. (anyone else related to an engineer?) so I said to him one time, "Dad, I always remember you cutting the lettuce to fit the bread. it's just an image I have of you." to which he replied in horror (not fake horror, mind you, but real horror) "you can't cut lettuce, the metal of the knife or scissors will oxidize the (blah, blah... something I didn't listen to), you have to tear the lettuce !!!!!!!!" okay, take a pill. jeez.

yes, we take our sandwiches seriously in our clan. upon arriving home, I attempted to maintain the honor of our clan with the following concoction (may the sandwich gods continue to smile upon us):

toasted baguette
mayo and hearty german mustard
lots of hard salami
a middle amount of smoked turkey
a teensy amount of sharp cheddar

side of pickle (I went with kosher instead of polish... I'm still not sure if I made the right decision)

maybe one day, I will post an honor roll of my greatest sandwiches.... maybe.

if you're really good girls and boys.

Happy Imagine Day!!!
today, I imagine that many delicious sandwiches await me in 2006!!


3 comentarios:

cookie monster dijo...

dammit im hungry again!

the lorider dijo...

okay, now I have to tell a joke:

a mexican, an irishman, and a blond guy work together on a high-rise construction site.

one day the mexican opens his lunch and says "burritos again? if I get burritos for lunch tomorrow, I'm gonna jump off the top of the building!"

the irishman says the same about corned beef and the blond guy says the same about his sandwich.

you can guess what comes next...

so at the funeral the grieving mexican and irish widows are crying and swearing up & down that if they had only known, they would have packed something else... then they turn to the blond guy's wife.

she says - "don't look at me... he made his own lunch!"

Anónimo dijo...

Lorider's lo blo about lettuce is a gross oversimplification of a complex and critical issue. A carbon steel knife will brown the lettuce edges in time, but a stainless steel knife will not. With iceberg, it doesn't matter if you cut it, but with delicate lettuce like butterhead or mache, it's more appealing to tear it.

Now as far as sandwiches go, I prefer to use the bread slice as a template and to employ a nylon knife (not taking any chances here), cutting carefully around the bread to get an optimal fit and uniform lettuce thickness.

Let's not even get into the spreading of mayonnaise.