jueves, diciembre 01, 2005

me go Adelaide now !

I've been looking at zhuangzhuang's photos here of Adelaide. Wahhhhhh! I want to go!!!!

Susan of S&P e-mailed me this week, urging me to come visit in Feb or March of 06. Okay!

Now, I need some suggestions for high-yield and relatively risk-free crime. Anyone?

4 comentarios:

cookie monster dijo...

with my familys background i could recommend crimes but then again does your state have the death penalty??

the lorider dijo...

nope! not in MI!! :)

but that sounds like it would involve grevious harm - I'm looking for something a little more my speed......

cookie monster dijo...

well shall my uncle escobar to pop round? ;)

the lorider dijo...


you don't have an uncle escobar!!!!
